Mike Cook or as he is known in the industry "Grocery Store Mike", is a specialized grocery retail recruiter for Frontline Source Group. With more than 35+ years in the grocery retail industry, Mike started as a part-time courtesy clerk. He worked his way up to serve in-store leadership positions with both traditional and specialty food formats. His expertise lies in hiring, training, and developing company leaders for small supermarkets to large grocery store operations with hundreds of locations. This experience is what differentiates his ability to recruit top Grocery talent from other recruiters in the market place.
Throughout his career, Mike has placed an emphasis on professional development and continuing education. He was in the charter class of Brookshire University, graduating as salutatorian. He also has earned certificates of proficiency in management specialized leadership and retail management from Tyler Junior College. The later certification was in collaboration with the Western Association of Food Chains. And, he has received numerous awards and accolades for customer service and leadership.
Mike has a passion for community service, having served as a board member for the Bear Creek Specialty Utility District (formerly Lavon Water Supply Corporation) from 2007-2013; Community Independent School District board trustee from 2013-2017; and currently serves as Lavon City Councilman, Place 2 since 2017.